- Family: parents, siblings, grandparents [especially if you're lucky enough to still have them in your life]
- Those you share your daily life with: significant other, roommates, coworkers, guy you wave to outside the coffee shop each morning
- Animals
- Teachers: both in school and those who simply inspire us to be better people
- The presence of a healthy body and brain
- Warm clothes and a comfortable bed
- Social media and computers: even though there are so many downsides, think about all of the knowledge they help us attain and the people far away with whom they help us to stay close
- Delicious and nutritious food
- Kind words: from a friend, a stranger, or even yourself
- Any little thing that will make you smile today
And don't forget, you have until tomorrow to sign up for the swap now that the ideas are flowing!

Love this!! Very inspirational :)
:) I love this, amazing things to be thankful for.
Great list!
Kind words... so powerful
Seamus is always on my list. Kind words always make my day so I am glad it made the list.
Such a great list! I know I've already said this, but I can't get over how much I love your new layout :)
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