Since we're in a house, not an apartment, this will be the first year we get to pass out candy to a whole mess of kids. Even when we lived in a house in Connecticut, I swear, there was always something crazy that prevented us from having a real Halloween (like this freak snowstorm). We bought 200 pieces of candy and will be sitting on our porch to give it out - so excited to see all the little kids in their costumes! Needless to say, we need to dress up. Mike's always been the best at coming up with couple's costumes. Our first year together, when my college roommates and I were the Ninja Turtles, he was Splinter, and a couple years ago, he even made our Mario and Luigi costumes. Well, we don't have that much time left, but I have started brainstorming some easy costumes that we'll be able to put together in a day or two:
1. Character onesie: Target has the best collection of union suits right now. You can be a Power Ranger, Minion, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, or even do Big Bird and Cookie Monster as a couples' costume. I bought this one last year, and am seriously thinking about wearing it. Bonus - it's one of the warmest costumes ever, and you can wear these comfy pjs all winter!
2. Crazy Cat Lady: Here's another costume where you can buy something comfortable and wear it again. Get yourself a bathrobe and some fuzzy slippers, and find that collection of old stuffed animals. Carry around a couple of cats, and even put some in your pockets!
3. Snapchat filter: There are sooo many good ones for this costume category: the puppy dog, deer, rainbow tongue, and my personal favorite, the flower crown. I made this one for my Halloween party at work! I just took a photo of myself in the filter, removed the background, and printed it out on card stock. I taped the crown to a headband and did a full face of makeup as light and bright as possible! If you'd like me to email you this printable, just leave me a comment!
4. Superman: Going to a party after work? Put a Superman or Superwoman tee shirt on under your clothes (make sure you wear a button-up shirt) before you leave. Then, when you get to the party, unbutton the shirt to reveal your costume!
5. Beanie Baby: This last one is for your pet. Take a piece of red card stock, write "TY" on it with white paint, and attach it to your pet's leash. For extra points, put his/her name and birthday inside the tag! Check out this tutorial to see how to make it in more detail.
Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? Any fun weekend festivities planned?