- Chinese gender predictor chart: Boy
- Mayan gender predictor: Boy
- Heart rate: Over 140 bpm (Girl)
- Experiencing breakouts?: Yes (Girl)
- Having morning sickness?: No (Boy)
- Craving salty or sweet?: Salty (Boy)
- Cranky or in a good mood?: Good mood (Boy)
- Where is your weight gain?: All in belly (Boy)
- Feet hot or cold?: Cold (Boy)
- Having headaches?: Yes (Boy)
So, it was 8 for boy and 2 for girl. A few of these (hello, craving everything sweet and thank goodness the breakouts seem to be behind me) have changed since then, but they all said to measure between 10 and 12 weeks. For some reason Mike and I both had this instinct that we were having a girl, but it turned out that these old wives tales were better at predicting than any parental instincts that hadn't kicked in yet - haha!
It's true, Baby BOY Taylor will be here in May! We have finally chosen which room will be the nursery, and coincidentally, it's already painted blue. We can't wait to start getting the nursery together soon!

Congratulations on a baby boy! So exciting!
Yay for a precious baby boy!!! :)
haha that's too fun, never heard of the mayan or chinese predictors! congrats on a boy!
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