What's your Bliss? What are you loving this month that you just can't live without?

Join Heather and me for Bliss! On the last Wednesday of each month, we host a fun new link up to share your "favorites" of the month. Not sure what to write about? It can be anything from a favorite product, to a favorite moment, or a favorite new blogger, to even a new favorite quote! Include as few or as many "favorites" and don't forget to take photos!
Ask yourself, did it bring you #bloggerbliss this month? If you said yes, then we want to read about it!
Don't have time to write a whole post or don't have a blog and are just a blogger at heart? Hashtag a photo #bloggerbliss on Instagram and simply link to that photo on the day of the link up! Our hope is that Bliss and #bloggerbliss will help ladies across the country find new and fun ways to make their next month even better!
Thank you to everyone who made February, our first month of Bliss such a success!
Now here's what's bringing me Bliss this month:
Family Games: We love games at our house. We like going out, but we also like staying home and just spending time together. Here's what we've been playing lately: (1) Racko; (2) Sequence; (3) Cribbage; (4) 4-Way Countdown [great kid game!]; (5) Logo Board Game
Sketching: I always loved art in school. It was always my favorite subject, and I liked getting to express myself. Lately, I've been loving it again. When I'm bored, I love to draw.
Vaseline Lip Therapy: I don't know about you, but this is the time of year when my lips are the driest. I bought this earlier this winter and haven't lost it love it!

Thank you to everyone who made February, our first month of Bliss such a success!
Now here's what's bringing me Bliss this month:
Sometimes during parties at our house, I might zone out and sketch on whatever I can find.
This one's a bit older, but it still hangs near our front door from the 2011 Halloween blizzard
Bossypants: I can honestly say I've never actually laughed out loud at a book before. Tina Fey is amazing and confident and beautiful and perfect. Seriously, you need to read this book!
PLL: Ugh this show. I JUST NEED TO KNOW!! I remember I actually started watching it by accident the summer after my junior year of college when I was home sick one day and watched a full-day marathon. I won't get too much into it here, but if you wanna talk PLL with me, definitely leave me a comment. I don't think I can wait until the fall to find out who A is!!
My next door neighbor's nephew is Cody Christian [Mike Montgomery], so he sent me these awesome autographs!!

I get so smitten over famous people lol. I would be THRILLED to have autographs hanging in my house!! SO COOL!!!! Nick's best friend is seeing a lot of fast & furious 7 filming right outside of his apartment and it's killing me to not make the 5-6 hour trip to visit just for a shot of "running into" one of the actors! I'm obsessed with the movies! Family game nights are so great! We do a lot of phase 10 & omg... have you ever played Mexican Train Dominos?? It's a must!
Family games are the best!! We are board game junkies. :)
I'm trying to get caught up on PLL too! :)
Racko! I need to pull ours out - we haven't played that in forever!
My parents LOVE Sequence!! We always play it at holidays. :) Also, we can chat PLL anytime you want!
I love game nights. I didn't realize you made the card yourself!!! I loved it. Totally Etsy worthy! The lip therapy has been a godsend this Winter.
Yay cribbage! I haven't heard of some of those other games but I'm going to check them out because we love games around here too! And that card you made is gorgeous! Love your other sketches too! So much talent!
PLL!!! Ugh that show lol! So much stress. My husband actually does watch this one with me ;)
PLL might be one of the few shows I haven't given a chance yet! Maybe someday… :)
Game nights are so fun! Your sketches are awesome!
Oh my word those tiny Vaseline tubs are the greatest invention ever! Hello by the way my name is Dannielle, Patty's friend and former co-writer at Make It Cozee. I recently started my own blog at QuiteDainty.com. I am so excited to be joining your linky party! I totally love the idea! I plan to join every month!
Love family games! I can't wait until my kids are old enough to play!
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