1. Even living in South Carolina now, it's been so nice to be able to able to spend time with our family and enjoy our typical Saturday before Christmas party traditions with my college friends and Mike's best friend's family (with the best Christmas decorations EVER). On top of that, we even got to be there the day one of my high school besties got engaged!!
2. Then, there was Christmas! I put up a photo yesterday of our Charleston Christmas last Thursday before we left. Christmas Eve was very low key: Christmas movies, hard cider. I was charged with creating a new Christmas Eve tradition. I had grand plans of going bowling or doing something crazy, but when the 24-hour bowling alley closed at 7:00pm on Christmas Eve, I gave up. We ended up going to both church services, as always, and ordering Chinese food and playing cards with friends in between. Even though it wasn't anything crazy, I love our new tradition, and I think it will definitely continue for years to come!
3. Christmas Day started off quietly with us and Mike's dad opening presents, then got much crazier with all of the cousins and family at Mike's uncle's house. It was extra special this year that my parents came to their house as well, so we got to see both sides of the family together, since we won't actually be doing "Christmas" and dinner with them until Monday. Probably the cutest part of the night was when Mike's cousin and my flower girl, Maya, asked if now that I'm married to Mike (he is also her godfather - she actually has 2 godfathers, instead of 1 of each haha), if that means I can be her godmother. Seriously, y'all, I melted. She is the cutest kid on the planet.
4. On top of that, there were the gifts. T-Swift and Sara Bareilles CDs, a monogrammed vest and scarf from Mike that haven't been taken off in days (Husband did good looking at my Christmas list ;) ), Bluetooth speakers for our golf bags (everyone in SC listens to music while they play golf), and games to add to our collection (Anyone in Charleston games fans like us?!? We are desperately looking for a new "game night" group!). We did our annual family grab bag with Mike's family, and my mom actually got my reindeer beer - she is way too excited to try the Palmetto Pale Ale.
5. Today is all about after-Christmas shopping (and spending the fantastic LL Bean gift card my father-in-law got me) as well as more time with friends! Tomorrow we're off to New Hampshire for a winter family weekend like we did last year, and then we're back to RI for a couple of days before we head back to the warmth for New Year's Eve!
How was your Christmas??

That is just so sweet about your flower girl :) Glad you had such a great Christmas and that you're extending the holiday fun into the weekend!
Look at all the Christmas smiles :)
We're Taylor Swift buddies :)
My husband never picks up on my Christmas list... but he still manages to do good.
Great photos! I'm glad you put together some great new traditions!
So many awesome pictures! I love your red pants and blue top together- so cute & very festive :) Your new Christmas Eve tradition sounds perfect! We were supposed to go to dinner and a movie, but ended up just wanting to stay in & it was wonderful.
That sounds like a wonderful holiday! I'm on my way to right my recap right now, it was wonderful.
What an awesome holiday! We did some shopping today too and it was nice. :)
sounds like a wonderful christmas!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
I would totally do game nights if we were anywhere in the vicinity of each other ;)
Merry Christmas! Looks like you had busy time!
New traditions are so much fun! And very cool that y'all had both families together! We'd love to do something like that! Merry Christmas!
Oh man if I lived in Charleston I'd be so down to join your game night group! I'm glad you had such a nice fun first MARRIED christmas :)
Looks like you had a blast and got some great gifts!
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