1 /// I made this amazing Southern Coconut Cake, layered with whipped cream and topped with coconut buttercream, a couple weeks back for my mom's birthday. It did take some time to make everything from scratch, but it was well worth it, and the cake turned out huge! We finally finished it last week. I will definitely be making it again!
2 /// Am I the last one to discover the downloadable feature of Netflix?! Hawaiian Airlines flights don't offer WiFi, so I downloaded all of Stranger Things before our trip and watched the whole first season on our flights out there and back. Mike was cracking up because I kept jumping in my seat every time something surprised me. Overall, I was surprised at how much I liked it. We also finished Mad Men recently and have started The Americans. It's slow to start, but I've heard it's good, so I'll give it a few more episodes. Any other on-demand suggestions?
3 /// Sunday before the Super Bowl, a few friends and I attended this month's #instameetchs. They're free walking tours for photographers/Instagrammers around Charleston. They're led by Mark and Jonathan for locals, so you learn more than your typical touristy tour. We started at the Gibbes Museum and ventured all around the French Quarter. I love getting ideas for shots from fellow photographers and learning even more about my city's history.
4 /// Anyone have a fun, unique Valentine's idea? We have kickball on Tuesday at 8:30pm and are looking for something different to do beforehand!
5 /// Oyster season in Charleston is drawing to a close this month, and I finally went to one last week! Charleston locals, if you haven't been to Ghost Monkey Brewery yet in Mount Pleasant, it's worth a stop. They have a wide selection, some fun board games, and it was the perfect spot for a roast.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm finishing up the rest of my Hawaii posts for next week (here's my first one in case you missed it), so if you want to dream about warm weather, I definitely suggest stopping back next week!
Linking up for Oh hey, Friday, Five on Friday, High Five for Friday, and two doses of Friday Favorites

That cake looks like dessert perfection! I'm so excited that Netflix offers that now! I'm always browsing iTunes for shows/movies before flights and have such a hard time finding anything. It'll be nice now to just download something from my queue! Glad you were able to take advantage of that! Charleston looks like such a charming and beautiful place. Wish I were just a little nearer to come and see the sights in person. Have a lovely weekend ahead, sweet friend! xo - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com
I'm thinking of giving Stranger Things another try. I just couldn't get into it the first time I tried watching, but everyone seems to love it, so maybe I'll try again... Btw, the hubs and I are getting BBQ for Valentine's Day (so romantic)!
We usually don't celebrate Valentine's on Valentine's because its just so crazy out there. So we are either going to spinning as normal or going to go see the new 50 Shades. Yes, he's agreed to go with me only because I can't when a lot of the girls are going or a lot of them don't want to see it. So popcorn will probably be our dinner out :)
That's such a fun tour to take especially since it's geared towards IG!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, biana -BlovedBoston
I always forget about that with netflix - its why I got an Amazon Fire so I could download things from Amazon Prime - I need to put Netflix to better use by doing that too!
My mouth literally started watering reading your description of your cake! It looks sooo good! I'm so happy Netflix allows downloads now, it gives me a little more motivation to do cardio at the gym. I follow walkwithlocals on instagram and it sounds like a similar concept, you got some really great shots! I can't wait for the rest of your posts on Hawaii! I hope you guys have a great weekend.
I did NOT know about the download feature! I definitely would have been doing that on my flights home if I had.
I didn't know you could download things off Netflix!! Good to know - and I do want to check out Stranger Things. I'm curious.
OMG, that cake looks divine. Yum!
that cake looks so good! I like the Americans, it was slow at the beginning. If you haven't watched house of cards get on that for sure!
Charleston is such a gorgeous southern town. The tour for photographers sounds really cool! I'm late to the party too and didn't realize you could download Netflix. Thanks for sharing!!! Have a great weekend!
My kids and husband are enjoying the download option on Netflix. Too much technology for me :) I'll read my books instead :)
You can download things from Netflix!! How did I not know about this?! Yes please! Also, that cake looks outstanding!
Okay... I had NO idea you could download from Netflix. Hello, game changer!! That's amazing!! You did an awesome job on that cake!! It looks perfect!! -Sara
I absolutely love coconut cake!!!! Yours look delicious.
I didn't know that you could download from Netflix! That is wonderful to know!
#instameetchs sounds so cool and your cake looks delicious!
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