Now, for year four: fruit and flowers. Yes, there are the traditional fruit box, fruit arrangement, and floral bouquet ideas, but I tried to think out of the box a little! Here are my ten ideas for traditional fourth anniversary gift ideas:
1. Fruit wine and a set of wine glasses
2. Fruit socks - how about going for a little fruit-themed gift with these socks to stick with tradition, then going off script for whatever you want?!
3. Pineapple air plants
4. Apple tv - Do you get it? Hint: the "modern" anniversary gift for year 4 is electronics, so this combines that and fruit - haha!
5. Succulent cat and lavender llama
6. Floral scarf
7. Fruit beer - The cans above are from one of our new top breweries, Hudson Valley, and sour, fruited IPAs are some of my favorite right now!
8. Homemade Jam - Here is my favorite recipe for raspberry jam, and these containers are so cute!
9. Bouquet Artwork - I received this gift a couple of years back of my wedding bouquet, and it's one of my favorite pieces of art in our home!
10. Juicer - Another one that combines the traditional and modern anniversaries, and if I thought I would use a juicer more than once... ever... I would absolutely get one!
And, last but not least, here are the links to my previous years' anniversary gift ideas:

I try to get Keith to do these anniversary traditions but he fails big time. So I do it with my girls night girls instead. They loveit!
I love how you look for the traditional gifts every year.
& YES to a juicer - that's a smart way to do it!
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