1. Charleston
2. Flowers
3. Cats
4. Cupcakes
5. Target
6. Weddings
7. Golf
8. Palm trees
9. Instagram
10. My husband
1. Snow
2. Cola
3. Salmon
4. Mushrooms
5. Forget my reusable grocery bags in the car
6. Driving in the snow
7. Being cold
8. Annoying people on Facebook
9. The smell of burned popcorn
10. Waking up before 7 a.m.
Tagging ten of my fellow South Carolina ladies to join in:
1. Erika
2. Shelby
3. Jillian
4. Chesson
5. Jordanna
6. Kaitlyn
7. Lauren
8. Megan
9. Shree
10. Jacquelyn
And one more thing - I'm co-hosting an Instagram giveaway for the next couple of days with 7 other awesome bloggers for a $200 Target giftcard! Here's the link to my IG photo to enter!

I can't believe I didn't mention Target in my loves list!! I don't know if I could hate snow and live in Boston, thankfully after this winter I'm used to it!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
I am always leaving my reusable bags in the car too and it drives me nuts! So frustrating! I always have such good intentions!
Oh I hate the smell of burned popcorn as well!!
Yes to so many of your loves - especially husband, cupcakes & palm trees! Too funny, I absolutely hate forgetting my reusable grocery bags in the car - I get so mad about it!
Burnt popcorn is the worst!!!! I burned a bag when I was pregnant and I literally was dry-heaving for hours. So gross!!
Your hate list is spot on. Forgetting my target bags in the car is SO annoying, especially since you get 5 cents off. Like come on, can't you tell by the number of coupons I get every time that I am basically in here everyday, give me the 5 cents off anyways. I practically own 100 of those red bags haha
My loves are really similar to yours - except I love mushrooms!
Ugh, mushrooms are the worst! I think it's something about the texture (especially when they're cooked--gross). I would love to come to Charleston someday--it's definitely on my bucket list!
Fun post! I might have to borrow this idea!
Totally agree with all your loves! I agree on your hate for salmon, mushrooms & being cold too!
mushrooms are the WORST. my husband loves those nasty things haah i'll have to work on my list :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams
I love this tag and even though I haven't been tagged I'm defintely going to snag this.
I agree with the following:
Loves: #'s 1-6 & 9
Hates: #'s 7-10
Haha yes to almost all of your hates (minus mushrooms!). The guy that eats popcorn in the office EVERY day for lunch will occasionally burn it and you know he gets the stink eye from me for it, too ;) Cheers to cupcakes, cats and Charleston!
UGH>>>> nothing worse then the smell of burnt popcorn - that smell sticks around forever too.
I am so not a morning person, so I hear ya on getting up early! And I'd love to co-sign your love of palm trees. After growing up in Connecticut, they're so nice to look at down here especially when I know all the trees are dead and covered in snow up there :)
I'm not a fan of Salmon either, I just can't get over the fishy taste.
Oh burning popcorn is the worst! My mom LOVES to eat burnt popcorn (why?!) so she used to make it all the time. Horrible smell.
I was hiding so many annoying people from my Facebook feed, I ended up just deleting the whole account!
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