The weather has been beautiful here in Charleston, and it was so nice to finally get out of the house this weekend with my diminishing gas bubble. Before that, everything was so blurry that I'd get disoriented easily and being out and around just wasn't enjoyable. Last weekend was opening weekend for the Farmer's Market, so there was a delicious Kudu latte and stops to pick up fresh fruits and veggies, pasta, and my favorite Arnold Palmer popsicle.
Obviously, we still spent our fair share of time on the couch this weekend. Luckily, over the last three weeks there has been plenty of basketball to watch then the Masters!! I am totally craving these baby sammies I made with Callie's pimento cheese for the weekend, and how do you like the little pin flags I made??
We finished another puzzle, too! 2000 pieces - bam! This one kicked my butt and not being able to look down for 3 weeks, it was a lot of Mike, but I swear, I helped. We bought two new ones: Charleston skyline and tons of hot sauce bottles.
My girls have been such great company during my whole recovery time. I should train them as therapy cats - I don't think that's a thing - haha!
Charleston looks so beautiful this time of year. I love all flowering trees, bushes, and well, flowers, and I cannot wait to do all of the landscaping this fall so we'll have wonderful blooms like these next spring! Speaking of the house, there is so much to update, and I will definitely be sharing tons of photos next week.
Last but not least, with springtime here, I was excited to choose a selection from Blogging for Books all about celebrating delicious fruits. When I first opened the book, I loved that it was separated into sections based on season. Who likes cooking with frozen fruits when you can use fresh ones?! Arefi did a fantastic job of pairing together flavors and ingredients that you can find together at different times of the year. While I was excited to see what recipes for "pies, cakes, tarts, ice cream, preserves, and other sweet treats" I could try, I was a little disappointed in how extravagant every single recipe was. I couldn't really see myself making a lot of these recipes and using this anthology as a cookbook, but instead, because of the beautiful photos, I definitely see it more as a coffee table piece through which company can browse. This book would make a great gift for a housewarming!

That's a crazy puzzle! So glad to hear that you healing well!
Hurray! So glad the gas bubble is gone, and sending prayers and good vibes for you to be cleared for flying in time for Denver <3
Green Fashionista
yay for no more gas bubble! i bet it's been so frustrating. here's hoping you get cleared for your next trip!
xoxo cheshire kat
So happy that you're doing better and hopefully you'll be able to fly come May!! That is some kind of puzzle! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
Glad to hear that your recovery is still going well! Charleston is GORGEOUS this time of year and I loved seeing some of it this past weekend. Can't wait for more pictures of your house!
Aww your cats look so loveable!!!! Glad your Denver trip is after your flying restriction! Xo
I love that puzzle! I need to pick up a few to keep me occupied. :)
I am so glad your gas bubble is gone and you can be our and about again! Fingers crossed you are released to fly by May, that would be quite the drive to Denver ;) So excited to hear about your house!
So glad you are on the healing side & things are going well!!!!
That puzzle. WOW - I was looking at those pieces - so strangely shaped. I would have banged my head against the wall on that one.
Hooray for healing! I can't wait for house updates! I love those.
Arnold Palmer popsicle!? Bryce would LOVE that! We have King of Pops here, so I'll have to look out for it!
Aww I'm so glad that your eye is doing better! And girl, those Masters flags are ADORBS!
Yay! So glad to hear about your gas bubble! I am so bad at puzzles, you did a great job! Loving your weather and those tooth picks you made!
Love me some Kudu! So glad your eye is healing so well!
Um, those are the CUTEST flags in the pimento cheese sandwiches!
Glad to hear you're doing better girl, you'll be back to normal in no time and hopefully able to fly before Denver. Gosh that food looks amazing and how pretty are all the blooms in Charleston?!
phew girl! props to the puzzle! i don't have that kind of patience!
Oh my gosh - your Masters sandwiches are the cutest!! Glad you're doing better :)
Congrats on your recovery! I love puzzles too... this one looks so hard!
Yay! So glad to hear that! Those little cheese sandwiches are adorable!
Charleston is soooo pretty! I'm so happy to hear your eye is better. And totally random but how do you get your cats to stay away from your puzzles??
Do you save your finished puzzles? I konw people who buy those mats and keep them forever together.
Glad to hear your eye is better! The farmers market sounds so nice, I definitely want to make it to Boston's this summer once we finally have some nice weather!
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