1. Anticipating: Heather is coming to visit this weekend!! She and Nick will be here tomorrow and are staying with us until Monday. There are just so many places I want to show her: the Market, the beach, awesome restaurants, and she requested a trip to Charleston donuts. Seriously, I feel like I'm starting to sound like Buddy:
2. Craving: Speaking of cookie dough, GUYS: Ben and Jerry's has outdone themselves again: Cookie Cores. Seriously, I cannot wait to try all three of these.
3. Accidentally snapping: I use snapchat for weird shit. Two nights ago, I used it to remember which photos to print at CVS and in what sizes. Then I accidentally sent it to "My Story" and didn't realize it for a good 3 hours after 8 people had seen it.... great.
4. Restarting: So, Mike and I finished House of Cards on Wednesday night (OMG, btw), and with all of the trailers and such that are listed after it, I didn't know it was the season finale. Needless to say, I was NOT ready. What did we do on Thursday night, you ask? Well, restart season 1. We have a whole month until season 3 - we had to do something!
5. Listening: to Taylor Swift's 1989. I burned my coworkers the cd last night, and as of 9:36 am, it's blasting around the office. My favorite song right now is Clean, written and produced with Imogen Heap. If you don't know her, you might if you ever watched the O.C., which then spawned one my favorite SNL shorts ever. Back to Taylor, I tried to find the video to share, but she is all about keeping her music off YouTube. Instead, here's Ingrid Michaelson singing it, but imagine Taylor's version a little more upbeat.

ohhh i lovee house of cards! i cant wait for the new season! have fun this weekend!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
So glad that you enjoyed a relaxing week, and have such an exciting weekend ahead!! Have fun!! :)
I LOOOOOVE Charleston Donuts! So yummy!
I am so loving that Taylor Swift song too... I also get my jam onto to Style :)
Cookie CORE!?!?! Sounds amazing!
i still haven't listened to the taylor cd, but really want to stat.
I love that you guys restarted HOC! That is one show I am really, really looking forward to the next season! I hope you had a great time this weekend!
Can you believe Im not on snapchat yet! So late to the party...
Cookie Cores!? We better get those here. I haven't had ice cream in AGES but if I see those, I'm all over them.
I'm not a T-Swift fan BUT I've loved Imogen Heap ever since the first time I saw Garden State (have you seen that?) so I might just have to look up that song anyway...
I haven't heard that song, will have to check it out. Cookie core, yum!!
I'm so obsessed with T Swift, I wrote a post about her album a while ago...too good. Wonderland is my fav. :) That ben and jerry's looks so delicious and so not conductive to me losing weight for my wedding. But I think on some friday night when I feel like getting crazy, my fiance and I can share a pint. :) Have a fun weekend with your friends!
Hah you restarted HOC? Did you guys already see Breaking Bad also? Another great series which will help tide you over but at least HOC starts again 2/27! Have fun this weekend with your company in town :)
I have yet to get a snap chat account I'm lame haha
I've heard that HOCs is really good and I've been meaning to watch an episode or two to see what is is all about. We just got caught up on Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder, so I'm eagerly waiting until next Thurs when the new shows start again. And that ice cream...it looks amazing...and dangerous at the same time...ha!
Cookie cores? That sounds amazing!!! Hope you had a great weekend!
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