Since you're living in the South now, do you prefer living in the South or the Northeast more? Mike and I always joke that if we could move all of our families and friends down here, we would never leave Charleston. It's seriously a wonderful place to live: the people are friendly, the weather is perfect (I don't mind the heat), and the scenery and history are unbeatable!
What are some suggestions for a New Englander who wants to visit Charleston? Honestly, if you are not used to the heat, I would definitely not visit in the summer. I'm used to the humidity, but it can get very overwhelming. The best time to visit is between April & May and September & October. The crowds aren't too big and the weather is great. Also, I'd suggest using airbnb and staying in a fun, unique location on the peninsula downtown.
Have you found yourself "speaking Southern" yet? Oh, yes. I don't even think twice about saying "y'all," and "bless your heart" has been added to my vocabulary. I also might be entering Stage 1 of the "Modern Southern Accent" ...the "i" in South Carolina seems to glide a bit more than it used to.
Tell the truth, do you really just go golfing all the time and play with kids? Why thank you for that one, sister (yeah, she gave herself away with "wicked fah away" and "put up more photos of your beautiful bridesmaids" comments - haha). For those of you who don't know, I'm the Program Director for a youth development non-profit, and yes, I get to play golf and hang out with kids, but you can read more about it here.
How long have you been playing golf? I was five years old when I started playing, or in Southern terms, since I was "knee-high to a grasshopper!"
What's the best part about being married? Oh boy, difficult one here. I'd say the best part is having someone in my life who truly loves me for me and with whom I look forward to spending each and every night.
And from the same person - What's the hardest part about being married? Changing my last name? Honestly, we are loving married life, and I wouldn't change a thing.
What is your favorite part about blogging? The people. I met my best friend in a blogger swap 3 years ago and moving to Charleston, I've found an amazing group of lady bloggers in the Charleston Blog Society.
Thanks again to everyone who asked questions and gave suggestions for posts. I'm so glad to see that so many of you enjoy my "Outfit of the Month" posts and everything about Charleston. I also plan on doing a "day in the life" post and things I do and don't miss about the Northeast post very soon - thanks for the ideas, Anonymous #8! Have a great weekend, y'all!

Haha thankfully I'm a true southerner who happened to move to NE who is visiting Charleston in the peak of summer!! Only we would pick August!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
It sounds strange, but I've missed the humidity since we moved back to Colorado. We've had a few really muggy days (with tons of thunderstorms), and I kind of love it.
This was such a fun read, Meg!! :) Have a fabulous weekend, sweet friend! xo
i totalllly agree with you...wish my whole family would just move here!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
It really is amazing how much the South can suck you in! It's pretty awesome.
What a fun post! Glad you are enjoying the South :) Happy Friday!
I would love to move to Charleston someday. Hopefully one day I will be able to afford to live to there.
I really enjoyed this post!
Amy @
PS: I love Billy Joel. Fun fact: My mom went to high school with him and she had piano class or some type of music class with him and he used to ask her for money for cigarettes and when him and his friends would get in trouble, he would try to blame it on my mom and the others sitting in the row in front of them. lol. I always found that really funny. All of my immediate family members except my sister and I have seen him in concert and I would really love to do that one day as I love his music!
Amy @
Yay for blogger friends and for moving south from CT - love that we have that in common! I don't mind the heat either, what I do mind is the cold hence me being so much happier down here :)
Happy Friday gurlie <3
Aw so glad you are here and we've become friends!! I hate the humidity and will NEVER get used to is hah. It's the real downfall of this place :( Pumped for next weekend, lady!
There's just something about the southern states that makes you want to call it home. Have a great weekend!!
Charleston really is the perfect city! We visited for the first time last July and despite the heat (holy H was it hot), we fell in looove. Can't wait to come back! And totally agree the hardest part about being married is a new last time, haha!
For me, marriage is having a sleepover with my best friend every night. :) Honestly, people make it more hard and dramatic than it has to be.
I defintely want to visit charleston!!
Yet another lovely post xoxo
The Southern hospitality is real. Such a great place to visit and glad you love living there. If it wasn't ofr my family I would totally move South.
Haha I love our kickball picture!!!
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