I started watching Southern Charm a few weeks back when I was flipping through the channels and there was NOTHING ON. I liked seeing the clips of Charleston and figuring out where they were... now I'm obsessed. I have been watching every episode of season 3 like four or five times a piece.
I create series recordings before they start, just because the commercials suck me in. This worked out well and I got hooked on Revenge, but I ended up just deleting Astronaut Wives Club and Wilfred when I needed the space. Now I have 10 episodes of The Family sitting on there. Anyone know if that one's worth it?
Kimmy Schmidt IS BACK. My real confession is that we've already watched season 2 through three times, but I am also such a dork and have been reading random facts about the show. Did you know that Tina Fey and Robert Carlock were specifically asked to write a show for Ellie Kemper? Titus Andromedon was written for Titus Burgess, but they didn't tell him and still made him audition. Jon Hamm was Ellie's eighth grad acting teacher, and the wig Tina wears in season 1 as Marcia is the same wig she wore in Liz Lemon flashbacks during 30 Rock. Told you, I'm a nerd.
Sometimes when we need to leave the house and I'm in the middle of an SVU episode, I record the rest of it to watch later. I mean, I watch it, but then the same episode is on like 3 days later.
I can never stay up late enough to watch SNL on Saturday nights, so I always look forward to watching them on Sunday morning.
And the biggest one - Oh My Gosh the mega Disney Channel Original Movie marathon: Brink, Zenon, Johnny Tsunami, Smart House - oh, so excited! The only one I loved but didn't see on there was The Color of Friendship? I need to start clearing that DVR space now. Goodbye, The Family!

lol disney channel marathon. you go girl! and you hooked me with the mention of southern charm. obsessed with that show! ugh i love it and the crazy cast haha
xoxo cheshire kat
I love love love Southern Charm! My husband and I have been watching it since the beginning and love getting sucked into all the drama!
I throw on the Family when I paint my nails, and am half watching. It starts great, and then like most of those 1 season drama's kinda of loses steam -- definitely better shows, but good mindless TV.
I LOVE Southern Charm! I watched it a bit before we went there last year and now I watch it all the time trying to figure out if we went to any of the restaurants or bars they went to haha. <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Ok kimmy schmidt was so funny this season - the episode where the former ranger is hitting on her and she snorts is seriously the funniest thing ever! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
Southern Charm is definitely my guilty pleasure!!
Definitely get some more room on your DVR by deleting the family - pretty sure it got canceled. No need getting hooked on a show that has already ended! Commercials get me hooked on shows too. That's how I ended up watching/becoming obsessed with Quantico this year!
I just couldn't get into Kimmy Schmidt when my friends had me watch it in February. Now, Mindy Project...that one they totally hooked me on. I don't have cable, but I may have to see if I can find Southern Charm streaming or have my parents record it, sounds cute and like lots of people love it!! I'm currently obsessed with The Last Ship and all of the Chicago shows!
I cant believe I havent watched Southern Charm - I am a Bravo nut so I need to find the past episodes.
Kimmy Schmidt... goodness how I love her.
I'd have a post for DAYS long on all the things on my DVR. I think it smokes at certain times of the week
I keep meaning to start a recording for Southern Charm, especially because I hope we can find them while I am visiting you ;) I'm obsessed with anything Bravo, so I am sure it will be the same with that show. I also have The Family on my DVR and haven't watched yet, let me know what you think!
I love Southern Charm. It's one of my weekly guilty pleasures! And my husband and I are working our way through season 2. We just dsicovered this show a couple weeks ago and finished season 1. Thanks for all of the cool facts about the show!
I need to watch southern charm. And play catch up with Kimmy Schmidt. I don't have a DVR so TV has become a chore; therefore I stick to Game of Thrones (HBO go!) and Food Network. My sister introduced me to Outdaughtered last night and Ia m hooked on that!
I only started watching Southern Charm at the end of last season, but it's so addicting and one of the few reality shows I actually want to watch-- though a few things this season have kind of bothered me with how things are portrayed- but I get a lot of laughs in none the less! I've almost started watching Kimmy Schmidt a couple of times, but am currently waiting for the next season of PLL to come on netflix before I start another show.
I heard The Family got canceled, never saw the show, but must not have been worth it. Totally worth deleting to make room for the Disney Channel original movies. I am WAY too excited about watching all of those!!! Southern Charm is such a fun show, the drama is just enough and I love the dynamic of the characters! I am still in the middle of Kimmy Schmidt, but it's such a fun show! Gilmore Girls is a show I have been binge watching on Netflix!
I loved The Family! Soooo good! I'm excited about the throw back movies on Disney! I loved Disney Channel original movies growing up. Love Southern Charm too. You get hooked it quick. I can't stand Craig tho. There is just something wrong with him.
I just read on someone else's blog that they cancelled The Family so if you haven't started it I'd say that's one that wouldn't be worth it because either it sucks or you're going to get sucked in & be mad that there's not another season. I haven't seen Southern Charm because I haven't had cable in like a year but every time I see something about it I want to watch it!
DON'T WATCH THE FAMILY! I loved it, but it was cancelled...and of course the season finale (which ended up being the series finale) ended on a cliffhanger so that just drove me nuts!!!
I'm so stoked for the Disney movie marathon!
i need to get on Kimmy S2, stat!!
I'm about halfway through season 2 of Kimmy - need to binge the rest this weekend!
I really need to get on the Southern Charm train! And YES to old school Disney movies.. bring on Zenon!
Green Fashionista
Smart House is seriously one of my favorite Disney Chanel movies ever!!! And I totally watch SVU episodes over and over again too. That show can eat up an entire Sunday for me!
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