Happy heart day, friends!
I hope all of you treat yo'self a little today. We have kickball tonight, and I made some treats for our teams. I thought it would be fun to share some simple pleasures on the blog today. I have little notes in my phone and in my planner, and I've been trying to keep track of more fun, positive things recently. So, here are my simple pleasures, this time, related to "firsts:"- The first day of a new Pandora month, when you feel like you have limitless skips
- A brand new EOS lip balm - it's so perfectly spherical!
- That first giant chip when you open a new party-size bag
- When you buy a new bathing suit and the inner padding is in the right place... for the only time ever
- The smell inside a new peanut butter jar
- How long your phone battery lasts when you first buy it
- The first beach day of the year
- New car smell
- The first spring blooms of the year - coming soon in Charleston!

oh goodness i love all these things. how hilarious about the bathing suit thing? lol. something that annoys us all and why have they not figured out how to fix it ha. and now i want some peanut butter :) happy day!
xoxo cheshire kat
Oh my gosh - yes to the phone battery lasting for such a long time!! I didn't even think about the bathing suit thing, but totally true! Happy Valentine's Day! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
This is a great list. I don't just love the smell of a new jar of peanut butter, I also love the smoothness. My Mom used to get so annoyed when I was little because I kept opening a new jar of peanut butter before the new one was used up because I liked how smooth the new jar looked when I first opened it!
HAHA - I love a good new chapstick too -whichever kind it is
I cry at how little my phone battery lasts now so I'm waiting for that long extended AHHH moment again :)
lol to the bathing suit one, so dang true! I miss new car smell. Happy Valentines Day!
This list made me smile! Yes to the padding being in place on a swimsuit... add sports bras to that category too! ha. Happy Valentine's Day!
This list is awesome! It really is the little things that can make you smile.
Yessss to all of this! Especially new car smell - my jam <3
Green Fashionista
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