Saturday was my birthday! I've had a lot of fun celebrating this week, and I've been lucky enough to celebrate with some fantastic people. For those of you who haven't seen, Charleston (and much of SC) is still underwater after a few days of crazy storms. Weirdly enough, they had nothing to do with Hurricane Joaquin, but they still brought 18+ inches of rain to the Lowcountry. As you can guess by the name, we live in a low-lying area, many places below sea level, so you can imagine the flooding that's ensued. Please pray for the people most affected and their homes!
Now back to the good things. Celebrating began early last week, and I finally had a chance to try the new Mexican place downtown, Minero with my boss. The queso fundido was amazing and the burrito was literally 5 pounds. Wednesday night, Erika and I had a family date night to Holy City Brewing for the opening night of their pumpkin beer! I was really impressed by their biscuits & honey and pineapple pepper beers, too. On Friday, I had a little birthday party at DeSano with my amazing friends! Seriously, they're the best... one of them took this cute video while I blew out my candles :) Stops at HoM, Prohibition, and Callie's were necessary, too.
Like I already said, much of the rest of the weekend was spent indoors with an exception for hibachi down the road on Saturday night. We finished our 2000 piece puzzle from the World of Coke trip in Atlanta for our anniversary, too. It was a great weekend!

So glad you had a great birthday!! All of the food sounds amazinggg - that is just how I like to celebrate, too ;) Hope the rain lets up for you guys soon!
Glad you were able to have a wonderful birthday!! I'm thinking of you all in that beautiful city of yours! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
The bubble and dessert pictures are amazing, so delicious!
Glad you managed to stay above water to celebrate! sure why you didn't add snorkeling at the Battery to your birthday activities ;) Isn't Minero SO yummy?!
im glad you had a good birthday despite the crazy rain!! and i neeed to try minero! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Yay for a great birthday weekend! Prayers for South Carolina!
I love that pic! Michael is actually smiling it's a miracle =) Glad you guys stayed safe this weekend
You were one of the first people I thought of when I heard the news... so crazy to see the pics of your area!!!
Happy (belated) Birthday! Looks like you had a fab time celebrating!
Yay for October birthdays!! My week starts today and I'm super excited!!
So glad you guys are staying dry!
Happy, happy birthday! Glad to hear that you had an excellent week of celebrations and that y'all stayed high & dry from all of the flooding.
Perfect you got to celebrate before the rain got too bad! I dream about that burrito from Minero, it's insane. Happy birthday!!
xx, Carly | carly blogs
Happy Birthday! Birthdays are the best! Sending lots of prayers to you and your friends and neighbors! Stay safe. Thanks for linking up this week!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
I'm so glad that you are safe. The rain has been crazy here, it's been very scary.
I'm so happy to hear you had a wonderful time celebrating your birthday.
Amy @
It looks like you had a great birthday, even with all of the rain! I can't believe the flooding was that bad, so glad you are all okay!
Yay for birthday weekend! I'm glad you were able to celebrate fabulously in spite of the awful weather. Glad you guys are ok <3
Green Fashionista
Birthday weekends are the best and I am so glad you had a great one!! - Svetlana @Life With a Side of Wine
I am so glad that you had a great birthday weekend, you definitely deserved it. :)
Glad you had a great birthday despite all the rain you guys got! Umm queso? Yes please! Wait. Biscuits and honey beer? Or did I read that wrong? Haha! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Happy birthday!!! I was thinking about you and all the Charleston bloggers during this crazy rain--I'm so glad that you're okay and that you were able to have a wonderful birthday!
Lauren :)
love your blog!! glad I stopped by
So glad you had a nice birthday and weekend :)
So glad you're safe & sound!! Also glad you had a fun Birthday weekend :) Those drinks all look delicious!!
Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a blast celebrating! I'm sorry to hear Charleston is flooded. I just heard about it today. That's never an easy thing to recover from.
Looks like such a fun weekend! Happy belated birthday!
Jesus, a 5 pound burrito?! Did you finish it?!
So glad you were able to have such a fun birthday celebration!
Yay for birthday!!!! Boo for crap weather.
Looks like such a fun birthday weekend!! Hoping the flooding eases up, it sounds so terrible for some people!!
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