{A} Age: 24
{B} Bed size: Queen
{C} Chore you hate: Hanging laundry and
putting it away
{D} Dogs: None – but 2
kitties: Roxy and Merp
{E} Essential start to your day: Keurig something
[apple cider, tea, coffee, anything]
{F} Favorite color: Light green
{G} Gold or Silver: Silver!
{H} Height: 5 feet
{I} Instruments you play: Played the clarinet
in elementary school...
{J} Job Title: Assistant Director
of Programming
{K} Kids: None
{L} Live: Connecticut
{M} Married: Nope, but I've been with a
lovely guy for 3 years!
{N} Nicknames: EVERYTHING in the
world: Meggie, Megs, Megatron, Megazord, Bear [to name a few haha]
{O} Overnight hospital stays: Nope
{P} Pet peeve: I have many driving related ones
{Q} Quote: Pretty much
anything How I Met Your Mother, they’re all "It's gonna be legend... wait for
it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that
word is DAIRY!” [see what I did there?? ;) ]
{R} Righty or Lefty: Righty for writing
but lefty most everyday things
{S} Siblings: None
{T} Time you wake up: 7:30 weekdays and
9ish weekends
{U} University attended: College of the Holy
Cross in Worcester, MA
{V} Vegetables you dislike: There are a
lot of them but onions ruin everything!!
{W} What makes you run late: Deciding to take a
shower when we have to leave in 10 minutes… it never works.
{X} X-Rays you've had: I’ve had a million
MRIs for nerve damage in my left arm.
{Y} Yummy food: Pasta, anything
chocolate/cake related, and girl scout cookies
{Z} Zoo animal favorite: I like petting zoo animals because I
can well, pet them! Specifically the second photo!
And congratulations to Ashley who won my 100 Follower Giveaway!!
Go check out her blog A Cup of Ash Tea and say hi!
Also, linking up for Walkabout Wednesday today!

I love these types of posts! So fun "getting to know you" better! My Keurig is an essential part of my day too. I really love the Chai Tea Latte. :)
I'm so excited to win your give away! You really made my day! Congrats again on reaching over 100 followers! Looking forward to more posts from you. :)
Haha - my husband would probably hug you for that onions comment. Why do so many people put onions in EVERYthing? Even the restaurants around here put raw onions on all their salads. I don't hate onions, I can tolerate them, but raw? On a salad?? Ick.
I seriously love that one of your nicknames is Megatron. :)
What up MegaTron?? I love my Keurig too!
This is so cute, I love your answers! I found your blog through the KitchenAid Mixer giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you! Happy almost Friday!
Sparkles and Shoes
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